Sunday, February 24, 2008

Marbury Played in This Year's All-Star Game

Zack (or "Zeck" or "Moses") Marbury and the CBA All-Star game, that is. He's been having what is easily his best year as a pro since leaving the University of Rhode Island too early to try to get drafted. Now he's the point guard of the Atlanta Krunk and don't be surprised to hear he earned a decent contract overseas. By all accounts, his playing in this All-Star game was pretty well earned.

However, something had to be bizarre about the other Marbury's All-Star visit to the exotic and tropical Yakima, Washington. It seems, as evidence of the photos on my man Chuck Miller's private myspace page, Stephen's younger sibling didn't pack his uniform and competed in the All-Star game 3-point contest with an All-Star game t-shirt on. Can you guess what kind of sneakers he was wearing?

Chuck Miller, an Albany resident, was there as the semi-official historian of the CBA. He has devoted a ton of time to the CBA/Eastern league history project. Check out Chuck's website, this is sure to go down in hoops history.


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