Thursday, February 07, 2008

Random Hoops Photo


After a long hiatus, I'm hoping to resurrect It's a passion project I have surely missed. Writing about random happenings in hoops is something very dear to me. I want to try and document the games I go to, practices and tryouts I visit, and sneakers and roundballs I encounter. While I already blog, and write features for SLAM ONLINE, Hoops Archive is a place I'd like to store random basketball related things that might night exactly fit into the context of a story. You'll find stories about small time hoops, links to other stories, pictures of sneakers and courts I've seen. If you're really into hoops, this may be a cool place to keep coming to.

For instance, this photo is over a recent tryout of the National Professional Basketball League. Pictures (in the black tank top) is Ben Rupel, my college buddy. In this picture, Benny rocks a jersey fron k1x and some Shirts & Skins shorts he got from me. Benny, who does a lot of promo work for us at SLAM, is attempting to make a semi-pro club called the "Westchester Monarchs."

I wish him luck.

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